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Jill Schlesinger, one of the 2018 RTDNA/NEFE Personal Finance Award winners, is a certified financial planner, a former options trader and an...

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Hurricane Florence is slamming the East Coast with surging waters and torrential rains, and looks likely to linger for days, wreaking havoc on the...

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Housing markets are heating up in many metropolitan areas across the country, sparking stories about affordable housing, mortgage rates and home...

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We wrote back in May about why consumer reporters needed to be following the reorganization of a small government department most people probably...

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A stock market milestone made headlines this week: the longest bull market, or period of steady gains, in history. Despite also seeing some of the...

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$10 per month to watch any movie – every movie – you want, in the theater? It sounded too good to be true, and it may have been, as...

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By Christopher Jones-Cruise When I started writing columns for RTDNA about bad broadcast news writing, I thought I would run out of examples, and...

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Moving can be a major undertaking, from buying a home to getting a mortgage and paying it down. For buyers and renters, too, there can be...

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The new tax law signed just before the end of 2017 was a big story earlier this year as individuals and businesses looked for information about how...

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We’ve written before about how you can help your audience avoid common scams during tax time, particularly, this year, by filing early...

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It might be a good time to think about job training. Unemployment is low, and the number of job openings is actually greater than the number of...

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You don’t have to have “consumer reporter” in your title to report on money stories. In fact, consumer and personal finance...

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