RTDNA24 Communication Sponsorship Opportunities

Dedicated Attendee Email Blast | May (RTDNA24)
Dedicated Attendee Email Blast | May (RTDNA24) These emails are created by you and sent out by RTDNA24 staff on your behalf to all registered...
Price: $1,200
Dedicated Attendee Email Blast | June (RTDNA24)
Dedicated Attendee Email Blast | June (RTDNA24) These emails are created by you and sent out by RTDNA24 staff on your behalf to all registered...
Price: $1,500
Conference Website | Homepage Leaderboard (RTDNA24)
Conference Website | Homepage Leaderboard (RTDNA24) Place an ad on the conference website, the place where all those registered, or thinking about...
Price: $1,000
Conference Website | Homepage Tower (RTDNA24)
Conference Website | Homepage Tower (RTDNA24) Place an ad on the conference website, the place where all those registered, or thinking about...
Price: $800
Keynote Seat Drop (RTDNA24)
Keynote Seat Drop (RTDNA24) Create a branded message to drop on each of the seats in one of the Keynote events. The room will...
Price: $2,000