Money Matters: Finance Franchise Ideas

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The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is taking a toll on lives and on livelihoods. As some states begin to reopen and cases surge in some areas, unemployment climbs and financial questions linger for those still working, too. These four personal finance franchises at local broadcasters are helping answer their audience’s key money questions – questions your audiences likely have, too.

Focusing on Finances
Where to watch: KBAK-TV, Bakersfield, CA

What it’s about: Reporter Tyra Majors produces this weekly segment which includes remote interviews with a finance expert from a local credit union. The franchise covers how to budget amid uncertainty, managing investments, tips for those still employed, managing bills if you have lost income, avoiding scams and also what will come next as economies begin to rebuild.

Your Money, Your Future
Where to watch: KING-TV, Seattle, WA

What it’s about: KING5 set up a dedicated email address and texting program for viewers to submit their money questions. Each story in the franchise is a response to a viewer question, and the team’s main morning anchor and producer respond to every viewer question with resources and links to stories. KING’s Pete Sairs said viewers appreciate that they are individually acknowledged, and the local unemployment office, for example, appreciated the information shared about unemployment options.

Financial Statements
Where to watch: WLRN-FM, Miami, FL

What it’s about: “These are personal portraits of real people sharing the role money plays in their lives in South Florida,” the WLRN site says. Recent stories have featured a sport fishing captain whose business is struggling, a nurse treating coronavirus and her furloughed husband and an economics teacher originally from near Wuhan. The variety of stories illustrate the area’s income disparities and the challenges of the pandemic.

Make Ends Meet
Where to watch: WKMG-TV, Orlando, FL

What it’s about: This franchise “began as an idea to educate folks about things they could do to save money. But our Central Florida community had other ideas,” said News Director Allison McGinley. The first story highlighting someone struggling to get unemployment assistance led to a donation from members of the community, and now the station has partnered with a local bank to match donations to those in need. It’s “a ray of light and humanity,” McGinley said. It’s also a good example of offering a way for members of your community to not only watch, listen or read about problems, but get involved in solutions.