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In 2020, some of the biggest stories covered by newsrooms were related to the uncertainty around money, whether it be about unemployment, stimulus...

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By Mike Beaudet, Anna Campbell, and John Wihbey Unpacking Data in the Reinventing Local News Project So much local news coverage is tied to the...

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By Mike Beaudet, Anna Campbell, and John Wihbey Introduction The experiment with animation began with a simple design: start with quality...

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Learn how you can up your storytelling game by using animation in your news stories and see the research that proves it can help grow your audience....

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By Mike Beaudet, Anna Campbell, and John Wihbey To kick off the RLTVN project’s second phase, we created two new roles at our partner test...

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In conjunction with a coalition of news organizations and press freedom groups, Dan Shelley, RTDNA’s executive director and COO, issued the...

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What did local news departments do in 2020 that was new or different? In the words of one radio newsroom manager: “survived a pandemic and...

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By Dan Shelley RTDNA Executive Director On May 25, 2020 – Memorial Day – the name George Floyd was like millions of others in the...

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RTDNA Executive Director and COO Dan Shelley is calling on the Biden Administration to be more open and accessible to journalists. Specifically,...

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Dan Shelley, RTDNA’s executive director and COO, released this statement in support of California’s Senate Bill 98, “Public peace: Media access.”

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Contrary to all expectations, local TV news ended 2020 with record high employment – until cuts in March 2021 erased those gains. Local TV...

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TV After falling in 2019 for the first time in seven years, local TV news salaries made gains in 2020. Despite pandemic-related pay cuts, local...

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